Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gabby's first rice cereal feedings

Getting ready for her first feeding- like the fancy bib?

Eating (mommy wielding both the camera and the spoon) and afterwards... not such a clean bib :(

Ains feeding gabby (notice the green spoon!)

So another fun event that has taken place is that Gabby has started to eat rice cereal. She has taken quite a liking to it (thank goodness!) and her big sisters love feeding her!


Gary said...

Good Gracious, she has changed a lot since I last saw her. She is a chunker just like her Uncle Gary was. Great pics....can't wait to see ya'll in a week and a half!

Carolyn said...

Yes...I love the fancy bib! Your mom gave one to Julia and we love it!!! Bought two more and gave a bunch away. We're looking forward to seeing you all again!