Monday, September 29, 2008

New Gabby pics and Ballet princesses

Well, Gabby is now officially a month old, so I thought it was time to get to blogging and update the pictures. I took her in last Tuesday, and she had gained 14 ounces in about 10 days, so she's doing great! You can see she's getting bigger, and she's really adjusting to crazy life at our house. We're so glad that she's finally home with us, and it doesn't hurt that she's sleeping a 5-6 hour stretch at night (at least for now)!

Ainsley and Emma have been doing ballet for about a month now, but I wanted to post some pictures as they got ready today. They are taking ballet with 2 of their friends and are really excited to be learning ponses and plie's and most of all twirly and supergirls (I'm sure very technical ballet terms :))

We love you all and hope you're having as much fun as we are!

The Focas

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New pics of the family

Wanted to share pictures that my parents (grammy grams and big pappa) took while visiting. We're adjusting well... Gabby is actually a very good sleeper- only wakes up once a night right now- and we're all trying to find our new normal. We're a little slow (or a lot slow) getting out of the house, and today went to Evind's birthday party but forgot the present (but remembered the gift reciept and the batteries) and forgot Emma's extra outfit (which would have been great since she wet not once but twice) but hey- we remembered all three children, right?


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gabby update- first dr visit

We brought Gabby to her first visit with out favorite Dr Lin, and we're happy to report that she's in great shape. She's up to a healthy 5 pounds 5 ounces, and doing well in terms of jaundice.
Our next office visit is actually not scheduled until early November.
We're so grateful to not have to visit the hospital to see and hold her, and Ainsley and Emma are LOVING having their baby sister home.

c and c

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pics of Gabby- I published too soon

Pictures of Gabby

Here are our first pictures of Gabby home from the hospital. Thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and prayers over the past weeks.

c and c

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gabby update 9/9 at 10pm

Gabby gained a bit of weight today- almost an ounce. We are awaiting bilirubin results tomorrow morning as it increased a bit yesterday (not surprising given that she went off the lights yesterday)... she fed very well today and is getting used to nursing.
We can't wait to get her home.
c and c

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gabby Update 9/8 at 10pm

We are excited to report that we left Gabby today in her "big girl bed" instead of the warmer... with her butterfly outfit on wrapped in her new blankie bought by big sisters Ainsley and Emma (with the help of Aunt Kathryn)... she's continuing to eat well, 2 ounces at a feeding... we just need to get her to keep gaining weight.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. they are felt.

c and c

Gabby update 9/7 10pm

Just a quick update... she's continuing to eat (2 ounces a feeding as of this time) and poop (4 times today). She's dropped an ounce and a half- but this seems to be normal because she's pooping so much. Her bilirubin has dropped to 11.5, if we could get it under 10.5, she can come out from under the lights and put on real clothes... so we're hoping for that sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for all the encouragement!
c and c

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Uncorded Gabby 9/6

Gabby has been moved to the NICU II unit, and as you can see, her NG tube in her nose has been removed. She's up to feeding 40 ml every 3 hours and we got to start nursing today as well... she is still not pooping as regularly as hoped, and has some jaundice, but we'd love to think we're in the home stretch!
c and c

Our little Gabby... the fighter

So during the middle of the night she pulled out her IV tube (for the sixth time)... instead of putting it back in (been in both arms, head foot, another time in a hand) they have decided to discontinue the IV and start giving her more milk every three hours. As of the 8am feeding, she is keeping it down and her glucose levels are good. Apparently, because they really weren't planning on taking the IV out, they need to make sure her sugars are well regulated as she adjusts to not having that constant drip.
We are so ready to have her home, thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We are more than grateful for everyone who is helping us through these difficult times, and really appreciate your calls and emails even when we're unable to return them all.

c and c

Friday, September 5, 2008

Gabby Update 9/5 at 3pm

Well... Gabby continues to go up and down with her feedings. She started feeding every 3 hours instead of every 6 at midnight, 3am and 6am, but then had problems processing the food and hasn't been pooping consistently. But I was able to feed her at 3pm, and we're hopeful that we'll be able to continue bigger and more feedings. We've been singing "Everybody poops" (it's to the tune of "Everybody hurts" by REM)so I'm hopeful that will yeild results.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

c and c

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gabby update 9/4 at 5pm

Not too much new to report. She is staying at the same feedings 5ml every six hours. The nurse is hopeful that tomorrow we can increase the feedings. Basically, all we need to do is get her digesting and processing food, and I think the last hurdle is past... We just have to have the patience to let it all work out.

c and c

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gabby Update 9/3 at 7pm

We are excited to report that Gabby continues to improve. She has actually been moved in the NICU from the critical to non-critical care side. They are continuing to monitor her feedings, and Chris was able to feed her at 6pm today, which he loved doing. We can't wait for everyone to meet her!

C and C

Gabby update 9/3 at 2pm

Both Chris and I went to see Gabby this morning. She is continuing to improve. I got to speak with the doctor, who reaffirmed that in his mind, her breathing difficulties are now past us. She's moved on to feeding and pooping... and he told me that he has no concerns that she will start eating and processing her food better. We are trying to feed her 5ml every 6 hours, and if she can digest that she will be increased tomorrow. While I was there, she had a huge poop, which is exactly what she needs to do, just to start processing things, and she gobbled up the 5ml that I fed her. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

c and c

Our beautiful Gabby 9/2 without the hood!

Here's our first picture of Gabby without the hood on... as you can see she has a tube in her nose (just so they can see how much food she's digesting) and leads for her heart rate and blood oxygen levels, but other than that she's free. Chris is at the hospital now, will provide a morning update when he's done but wanted to share our picture. I'm quite sure the gold bow is because she's a Deamon Deacon fan already!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gabby update 9/2 at 10pm

Today was a good day for Gabby... (and mommy and daddy). I went in at about 2:30, and was able to hold her for the first time since right after she was born! I also fed her a bottle and was able to "kangaroo care" with her- basically skin to skin contact that has great positive effects for baby (and it feels wonderful for a mama too!). She is still working to digest food, Chris went back for the 9pm feeding, but it had to be delayed because she still had food in her stomach from the 6pm feeding. We're hoping that she catches on to the food thing soon and know it's just a matter of patience!

New pics to come tomorrow- I'm too tired to download tonight!
c and c

Gabby Update 9/2 at 10am

Great news!

Chris went to see Gabby this morning, and she is breathing room air! She's done with her tanning treatment, apparently the bililights worked and so he was able to get a lot better access to her face and give her kisses, etc.

We are thrilled! I will go later today, and they will actually let me hold her!
Stay tuned for more pictures!
c and c

Gabby Update 9/1 at 10pm

Things were a little rough tonight for Gabby (and for mommy and daddy). We got there, and she was turned on her belly to let the bili lights get to her back, and she was definitely NOT comfortable. It is really hard to see your daughter uncomfortable, and not be able to hold her. The nurses were able to get her comfortable, however.
In terms of her breathing, she is still trying to adjust to the 30% oxygenation in the hood. They tried to feed her through her nose tube again at 2:30, but she was not able to process the food, so they have discontinued feedings at the moment. Chris is going to the hospital this morning, and we're hoping to get some clarity about when those feedings might commence again. From what we've been told, this is not a major issue, just that her body isn't quite ready for focusing on processing food, it's still spending all its energy breathing.
Pray for patience, she will be ready when she's ready, but this mama can't have her home soon enough.
c and c

Monday, September 1, 2008

Gabby update 9/1 3pm

Well, as you can see Gabby has upped her "spa treatment" at Children's Hospital. In addition to the facial she's getting from the oxygen hood, she's also now added a tanning treatment. She's under the billy lights, her billyrubin levels were 10.6, just a little above the 10.5 where they turn the lights on. Hence her very fashionable glasses and the blue glow. She is still holding her own. Here's where things stand:
- she's currently under a hood at around 30% oxygenation, so they've been able to reduce it another 5% since last post
- she still has some retraction when she breathes, and she had one slight apnea episode, where she held her breath for a little bit, but she started breathing again
- they've taken out the line in her throat, and put one in her nose. With that, they've been able to start providing her the milk I've been pumping, which is a huge developmental step for her.
While we were there, they drew new blood oxygen levels, which were not as high as the past had been. They went back down to 68%. They did not, however, increase the oxygen in the hood, they just kept it constant and will check back at 6pm.
We'll write more when we know.
c and c

Gabby update 9/1 10am

Gabby is continuing to improve. Her arterial blood gases continue to be really good, and they have been able to reduce the concentration of oxygen in the hood to about 35- 40%, down from 50%. We will update more when we know more. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers!
C and C

Update as of 10pm August 31st

We had great news tonight. As of Gabby's 10pm arterial oxygen saturation reading (may be the right term, may not) it is up to 81%, significantly better than the 68% at 6pm. Our nurse, Nancy, said if she can hold that at her 4am reading, they may be able to start trying to turn down the oxygen in her hood!

c and c