Monday, November 5, 2007

Fall Fun

Ok so I wanted to provide a couple of pictures from our fall fun. Because even though I didn't get a chance to post, I've actually been better about taking pictures.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Emma from the fall. She has donned a friend's goggles (refused to take them off all afternoon), found an old shoe and put it in a wheelbarrow, which she carted around the neighborhood.
Gotta love it!

As you can see, Ainsley has been busy trying to learn how to skate. She's getting better- this is from early September when big pop-pop came to visit. She can kind of walk on her own in them, and is learning how to actually skate as well!

Lastly, guess what Emma's been starting? Ok, not really so much, but at least I got her to pose for pictures! There's lots of potty talk around the Foca house... I'm hoping soon to be diaperless (soon being in the next 6 months:))

Ok, I guess that's all for now... more to come!

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