Things were a little rough tonight for Gabby (and for mommy and daddy). We got there, and she was turned on her belly to let the bili lights get to her back, and she was definitely NOT comfortable. It is really hard to see your daughter uncomfortable, and not be able to hold her. The nurses were able to get her comfortable, however.
In terms of her breathing, she is still trying to adjust to the 30% oxygenation in the hood. They tried to feed her through her nose tube again at 2:30, but she was not able to process the food, so they have discontinued feedings at the moment. Chris is going to the hospital this morning, and we're hoping to get some clarity about when those feedings might commence again. From what we've been told, this is not a major issue, just that her body isn't quite ready for focusing on processing food, it's still spending all its energy breathing.
Pray for patience, she will be ready when she's ready, but this mama can't have her home soon enough.
c and c